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AFgtc consults and assists clients to solve bureaucratic and field problems in hydrogeology, water supply, geothermal energy exploitation, environment monitoring and protection, forensic geology, engineering geology, farming and livestock activities.





  • subjective and objective liability identification for flood or landslide damage;

  • landslides effective and potential damage assessment;

  • polluted sites remediation efficiency and effectiveness assessment.






  • sea-water intrusion monitoring and remediation;

  • natural tracers and pollutants origin and distribution dynamics modeling;

  • production of forecast scenarios based on calibrated real-world data;

  • preventive and real time environmental impact assessments for constructions and infrastructures (tunnels, embankments, bridges, ports, underground car parks);

  • reclamation efficiency effectiveness assessments;

  • aquifer vulnerability and saving zones mapping for drinking-water wells;

  • preventive and comparative reclamation analysis.



  • water resource, quantification and sustainable use design;

  • pumping test and well development assistance;

  • spring capture design;

  • real time drilling water sampling;

  • sea-water intrusion prevention and reclamation.










  • field-work design, proprietary technology, LIDAR data processing, filtering, analysis and interpretation for geoarchaeology, geo-morphology and agronomy

  • bathymetric surveys  with proprietary robotic boat, even where no manned boat can go (marsh areas, small streams, industrial and sewage lagoons, hydroelectric reservoirs);

  • water-air-soil sampling: gas measuring  and  soil emissions(CO2, hydrocarbons);

  • piezometric, conducimetric, salinity monitoring point design and emplacement, groundwater sampling and data processing;

  • groundwater protection (pollution seawater intrusion) design and installation (permanent or temporary hydraulic barriers, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic and reactive diaphragms);

  • energy recovery and renewable energy driven water treatment plants design and supply;

  • urban planning, geological surveys and thematic maps implementation (hazard, feasibility, etc..);

  • landfills reclamation, contaminant plume mapping;

  • topographic surveys, slope stability analysis and landslide mitigation;

  • geological, geotechnical and seismic investigations, according to euro-code 7 and 8;

  • specific problem solving, geologic survey and geotechnical design for buildings structural problems, groundwater infiltration, swamping, flooding;

  • geophysical surveys design and interpretation for buried artifacts identification, aquifer identifications, underground caverns, underground pipes;

  • slopes stability, gravity retain walls, shallow and deep foundations. 


  • consulting, pre-assessment, design and installation of the most appropriate technologies to ensure safe drinking water, fresh water, heating and/or air conditioning with dedicated and environmentally sustainable solutions (sun and wind energy), with no energy cost and no greenhouse gas emissions for coastal and isolated dwellings;

  • energy potential evaluation for micro-hydro power (implemented in small streams);

  • research, development, capture and use of renewable and non-conventional energy resources (including technical and regulatory consulting and paperwork for private home and industrial);

  • geological and geotechnical support for ground-installed photovoltaic power station.












  • reconnaissance of potentially productive zones and evaluation of geothermal potential in soil and surface and groundwater;

  • heat storage "bank" (underground storage of waste heat and solar thermal energy for heating/air conditioning, hot water production for residential-industrial heating greenhouses, fish farming);

  • geothermal overexploited underground closed loop heat  exchangers ("heat recharging");




  • reconnaissance (Regional scale resource assessment)
    Petrochemical-magmatological approach to heat sources evaluations. Heat flow from magmatic chambers modeling. Geochemistry and structural volcanology based deep water circulation investigations. Deep hydrothermal alteration and geothermal reservoirs detection by piroclastites xenoliths mineralogy. Potential reservoirs temperature extimation by thermal manifestation geochemistry;



  • prefeasibility (Local scale resource assessment)
    Volcanological, geophisical and geochemical integrated studies based geothermal reservoirs depth and shape definition. Exploratory drilling best site selection. New geothermal field exploitation environment related problems preventive assessment;

  • feasibility: exploratory drilling geological and geochemical assistance and logging. Real time, hydrothermal mineralogy based, reservoir thermometry. Drilling fluids geochemical logging. Well site real time petrographic logging. Production tests geochemistry)


  • volcanic hazard evaluation
    Explosive eruptions modeling. Ash-flow, mud flow, dangerous gas emission provisional mapping. Eruption induced hydrogeological hazard. Alert network and procedure optimization, Geothermal Resource Assessment;

  • modeling heat flow from magma chambers;


  • hydrogeological field survey and modeling of volcanic inland areas and islands;

  • volcanic soil mechanics;

  • volcanic deposits mining economic evaluation (pumices, uranium rich piroclastites, zeolites etc.)



AFgtc s.r.l. - via Toniolo 222, 56010, San Giuliano Terme (PI) - Italy -  Tel: +39-050-870311 - Fax: +39-050-871721

Email: afconsulting@afgtc.com - geoscience@afgeoconsulting.it

Tax code and VAT number: 01661970507 C.C.I.A.A. PISA REA n° 144856
